Thursday, August 8, 2024


Learn to Net through Videos

Netting is easier to learn with someone sitting near you, able to guide you through the learning process. However, because I can't physically sit next to you, I created videos to show you how to net. It's the next best thing to having a teacher by your side.

Since I have recently moved the netting videos from Rita’s Netting Nook to YouTube, the links to the videos are listed below.

Before Starting to Net - Equipment Used in Netting

Before Starting to Net - Filling Netting Needles and Shuttles

Before Starting to Net - Knots to Know Before Netting

Netting in Rows using the Lacemaker's Method

Troubleshooting the Lacemaker's Method

Basic Netting Supporting Skills

How to Net in Rows: Square-mesh Netting

Netting in the Round

Correcting Mistakes

Netting Techniques

Attaching Beads to Netting

Naming Stitches (2:08) -



Monday, July 13, 2020

Reusing patterns

Bag Center

About a month ago, I designed a new center for a hairnet. I called it Little Star since it reminded me of an asterisk. 

Last week I decided I wanted to net a bag for someone who recently had a baby. It dawned on me that I could use the same instructions for the bag as I had used for the hairnet by changing the mesh stick size and adding a handle. The center could stay the same. 

Hairnet Center

The center directions are the same except for the size of the mesh stick and the total rows. Here are the directions for the bag.

Round 1
mesh stick: 1”
Form grommet with 8 loops (last one tied by hand with CK). (8 loops in the round)

Round 2
mesh stick: 1”
Net 1 more knot in loop formed by CK, net 2 knots in all other loops.  (16 loops in the round)

Round 3
mesh stick: 1”
Net 2 knots in the next loop, *net 1 knot in the following loop, net 2 knots in next loop*; repeat from * to *, tie the CK. (24 loops in the round)

Round 4
mesh stick: 1” 
Net 1 knot in the next loop, *net 2 knots in next loop, net 1 knot in each loop for 2 loops*; repeat from * to *, ending with net 2 knots in the last loop, tie the CK. (32 loops in the the round)

Round 5
mesh stick: 1” 
Net 1 knot in each loop for 2 loops, *net 2 knots in next loop, net 1 knot in each loop for 3 loops*; repeat from * to *, ending with net 2 knots in the last loop, tie the CK. (40 loops in the round)

Round 6
mesh stick: 1” 
Net 1 knot in each loop for 2 loops, *net 2 knots in next loop, net 1 knot in each loop for 4 loops*; repeat from * to *, ending with net 2 knots in the last loop, tie the CK.(48 loops in the round)

Rounds 7-14
mesh stick: 1” 
Net 1 knot in each loop. (48 loops in the round) 

The handle is net as follows:

Handle 1:

Row 1
    mesh stick: 1"
Net 1 knot in each loop for 24 loops. (24 loops in the row) 

Row 2
    mesh stick: 1"
Net 2 loops together; net 1 knot in each loop, except the last 2 loops; net the last two loops together. (22 loops in the row)

Row 3
    mesh stick: 1"
Net 2 loops together; net 1 knot in each loop, except the last 2 loops; net the last two loops together. (20 loops in the row)

Row 4
    mesh stick: 1"
Net 2 loops together; net 1 knot in each loop, except the last 2 loops; net the last two loops together. (18 loops in the row)

Row 5
    mesh stick: 1"
Net 2 loops together; net 1 knot in each loop, except the last 2 loops; net the last two loops together. (16 loops in the row)

Row 6
    mesh stick: 1"
Net 2 loops together; net 1 knot in each loop, except the last 2 loops; net the last two loops together. (14 loops in the row)

Row 7
    mesh stick: 1"
Net 2 loops together across the entire row. (7 loops in the row)

Rows 8-25
    mesh stick: 1/2"
Net 1 knot in each loop. (7 loops in each row)

Cut the thread to the shuttle. 

Tie the thread from the shuttle to the loose end formerly used to tie the CK.

Handle 2:

Rows 1 - 25

Repeat the instructions for handle 1

Tie handle one and handle two together with a square knot or bow to form a single handle with a large knot at the top. 

To learn how to net, visit Rita's Netting Nook.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Square-mesh netting - a variety of shapes

Every so often I realize that it's becoming difficult to find instructions to specific netting patterns. This week I realized that this was the case with the different shapes of square-mesh netting. So I've made a list of the shapes and included a link to where information, instructions, and images can be found. 

Square-mesh netting is often thought of as a square or rectangle. As such, it can be made with:

In addition to squares and rectangles, square-mesh netting can also form a

Square-mesh netting can also create:

Thursday, July 2, 2020

One Pointed End on a Rectangle of Square-mesh Netting

Last summer I was working on square-mesh triangles. As I was checking the triangle patterns, I realized that I had never combined a rectangle with a triangle. 

I discovered that if the width of the rectangle is odd, the triangle will have a single point. (If the width is of the rectangle is even, there will be two squares at the point, but that's a post for another day.)

By the time I finished the netting, I ran out of time to post them, so here they are, a year late. 

Instructions for: 

Rectangle of Square-mesh Netting – From One Corner with One Pointed End

Odd width 9 squares, Even length 18 squares, 5 points along pointed sides

Form the Rectangle Width
Row 1:  Net 2 knots in the foundation loop. (2 loops in the row)
Remove the mesh stick and turn the work so that the next row can be worked from left to right. (This will be done at the end of each row.)
Row 2:  Net 1 knot in the first loop on the left; increase by netting 2 knots in the second loop. (3 loops in the row)
Row 3:  Net 1 knot in each loop except the last loop; net 2 knots in that last loop. (4 loops in the row)
Row 4:  Net 1 knot in each loop except the last loop; net 2 knots in that last loop. (5 loops in the row)
Row 5:  Net 1 knot in each loop except the last loop; net 2 knots in that last loop. (6 loops in the row)
Row 6:  Net 1 knot in each loop except the last loop; net 2 knots in that last loop. (7 loops in the row)
Row 7:  Net 1 knot in each loop except the last loop; net 2 knots in that last loop. (8 loops in the row)
Row 8:  Net 1 knot in each loop except the last loop; net 2 knots in that last loop. (9 loops in the row)
Row 9: Net 1 knot in each loop except the last loop; net 2 knots in that last loop. (10 loops in the row) 
Row 10:  Net 1 knot in each loop except the last loop; net 2 knots in that last loop. (11 loops in the row)
Lengthen the Rectangle
Row 11: (Decrease Row Net 1 knot in each loop until you come to the last 2 loops; net the last 2 loops together. (10 loops in the row)

Row 12: (Increase row): Net 1 knot in each loop except the last loop; net 2 knots in the last loop. (11 loops in the row)
  Row 13: (Decrease Row Net 1 knot in each loop until you come to the last 2 loops; net the last 2 loops together. (10 loops in the row)

Row 14: (Increase row): Net 1 knot in each loop except the last loop; net 2 knots in the last loop. (11 loops in the row)
Row 15: (Decrease Row Net 1 knot in each loop until you come to the last 2 loops; net the last 2 loops together. (10 loops in the row)

Row 16: (Increase row): Net 1 knot in each loop except the last loop; net 2 knots in the last loop. (11 loops in the row)
Row 17 (Decrease Row): Net 1 knot in each loop until you come to the last 2 loops; net the last 2 loops together. (10 loops in the row)

Row 18: (Increase row): Net 1 knot in each loop except the last loop; net 2 knots in the last loop. (11 loops in the row)
Row 19: (Decrease Row): Net 1 knot in each loop until you come to the last 2 loops; net the last 2 loops together. (10 loops in the row)

Finish the Rectangle with a Lacy Point
Row 20: (Plain row): Net 1 knot in each loop. (9 loops in the row)

Row 21: (Decrease Row): Net 1 knot in each loop until you come to the last 2 loops; net the last 2 loops together. (8 loops in the row)

Row 22: (Plain row): Net 1 knot in each loop. 8 loops in the row)

Row 23: (Decrease Row): Net 1 knot in each loop until you come to the last 2 loops; net the last 2 loops together. (7 loops in the row)

Row 24: (Plain row): Net 1 knot in each loop. (7 loops in the row)

Row 25: (Decrease Row): Net 1 knot in each loop until you come to the last 2 loops; net the last 2 loops together. (6 loops in the row)

Row 26: (Plain row): Net 1 knot in each loop. (6 loops in the row)

Row 27: (Decrease Row): Net 1 knot in each loop until you come to the last 2 loops; net the last 2 loops together. (5 loops in the row)

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Finishing Hairnets

Once a hairnet if finished it is necessary to place something through or fastened along the last row of loops to help it stay on one's head. There are four cords that are fairly quick to make that can be used for this purpose.

The easiest for me to use is elastic. I like the round cord elastic. It comes in various sizes and at least white and black. Just cut off enough to fit around the head plus enough to tie the ends together in a knot.

If it is desired that the color of the cord match the thread used for the hairnet, the easiest way I've found is to make a twisted cord. Cut several strands of thread into 4 foot lengths. Fold each length in half and tie all the loose ends together in one overhand knot. The more strands there are, the thicker the final cord will be. Put a pencil, knitting needle, or hook through each loop and twist the cord. When the cord is tightly twisted, remove the pencil or whatever tool was used and carefully bring the two ends of the twisted cord together. Tie the two ends together with another overhand knot. Allow the cord to twist together to form a thicker cord. Work out any kinks in the cord by running one's hand along the cord. Now this twisted cord is ready to be put through the edge loops and tied to fit the head.

It is also possible to take several three-foot strands of the thread used in making the hairnet and braid them together using the same braiding technique as is used with hair. I had two problems with this method: it was hard to maintain consistent tension throughout (the beginning would be loose and the end tight) and the loose ends of the cord became tangled every time I  moved a section of the braid. However, it can be done with help, patience, and practice.

The final way I've tried is finger-braiding the cord. This method has the same problems as the regular braiding. Again,  it can be done with help, patience, and practice. The internet provides many examples of how to make this type of braid. With this sample I used five loops. One of them was a darker color then the other four.

To learn more about netting and hairnets visit these sites:

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Hairnet with a Square-mesh Circular Center

Over the past several years I've been working on square-mesh netting. Recently, when I wanted to make a new hairnet, I was looking at the Simple Hairnet and the Invisible Hairnet. I didn't want to make a grommet, and I didn't feel like working around a square or rectangle of netting. Then it dawned on me -  I could use one of the circles of square-mesh netting and work around that. I thought it might be easier than either, or at least it was different. 

As I worked through the center I realized that the first section used increases.

The second section was plain netting - one knot in each loop for several rows.

The final section was made of decreases.

Once the center was finished it was time to remove the foundation loop, stretch it out, and create a new foundation loop by going around the circle with a foundation loop cord.

The first round is the trickiest. There are two loops, one on the first row and one on the last row, that belong to the side as well as the top or bottom. These are the last loop of the first row and the first loop of the last row. These two loops need two knots net into them.  After that it is just net 1 knot in each loop until the hairnet is as long as desired. 

A 3/8" mesh stick is used for all rows and rounds.

Circular Base
Row 1
Net 6 loops into foundation loop.  (6 loops in row)

Row 2
Net 1 knot in each loop except the last loop, net 2 knots the last loop. (7 loops in row)

Row 3
Net 1 knot in each loop except the last loop, net 2 knots the last loop. (8 loops in row)

Row 4
Net 1 knot in each loop except the last loop, net 2 knots the last loop. (9 loops in row)

Row 5
Net 1 knot in each loop except the last loop, net 2 knots the last loop. (10 loops in row)

Row 6
Net 1 knot in each loop except the last loop, net 2 knots the last loop. (11 loops in row)

Row 7
Net 1 knot in each loop except the last loop, net 2 knots the last loop. (12 loops in row)

Rows 8-18
Net 1 knot in each loop. (12 loops in row)

Row 19
Net 1 knot in each loop except the last 2 loops, net those 2 loops together. (11 loops in row)

Row 20
Net 1 knot in each loop except the last 2 loops, net those 2 loops together. (10 loops in row)

Row 21
Net 1 knot in each loop except the last 2 loops, net those 2 loops together. (9 loops in row)

Row 22
Net 1 knot in each loop except the last 2 loops, net those 2 loops together. (8 loops in row)

Row 23
Net 1 knot in each loop except the last 2 loops, net those 2 loops together. (7 loops in row)

Row 24
Net 1 knot in each loop except the last 2 loops, net those 2 loops together. (6 loops in row)

Circular Sides
Remove the foundation loop cord from the netting.
Spread the netting out on a flat surface in the shape of a circle.
Replace the foundation loop cord around the inside of the circle. Tie the ends of the foundation loop cord together to create a new foundation loop.
Round 1
Net 2 knots in the loop to the right of the last loop formed (it will be along the side);
Mark the first loop formed in this round;
Net 1 knot in each loop for 15 loops;
Net 2 knots in the next loop;
Net 1 knot in each loop for 10 loops;
Net 2 knots in the next loop;
Net 1 knot in each loop for 4 loops.
If the marked loop is loop number 1, there should be 36 loops around the edge of the netting.

Round 2-24
Net 1 knot in each loop for 24 rows or 12 diamonds below the marked loop. 

Last Knot: 
The last knot is tied over the knot from the row above. This creates an extra loop and makes the edge look even. (37 loops around the outer edge)

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Adapting Hairnet Patterns

About a year ago my homework load became too heavy for me to even think about posting. (Yes, 45 years and seven children after receiving my Associate Degree I started an online degree program to finish my Bachelor's Degree.) I did keep netting and will see if I can begin posting again.

I've been working on some hairnets recently. I find I have a hard time making the same pattern over and over several times without wondering how or what to change. 

I started with the Simple Hairnet. A fairly basic pattern.

Round 1
mesh stick: 3/8”
Form a grommet with 40 loops, the last loop tied with a Connecting Knot (CK).  (40 loops in the round)

Rounds 2-29
mesh stick: 3/8” 
Net 1 knot in each loop.  (40 loops in round)

Simple Hairnet
Simple Center

Then I began to wonder what would happen if I used fewer loops in the center and put some increases in the first few rounds.  I decided to start with nine loops in the center, put 2 knots in each loop for the next row, and then put six increases evenly spaced the next few rows. 

That gave me the Windmill hairnet.

Round 1
mesh stick: 3/8”
Form grommet with 9 loops (last one tied by hand with CK). (9 loops in the round)

Round 2
mesh stick 
Net 1 more knot in loop formed by CK, net 2 knots in all other loops.  (18 loops in the round)

Round 3
mesh stick 
Net 1 knot in next loop, net 2 knots in the next loop, *net 1 knot in each loop for 2 loops, net 2 knots in next loop*; repeat from * to *, tie the CK. (24 loops in the round)

Round 4
mesh stick 
Net 1 knot in next loop, *net 2 knots in next loop, net 1 knot in each loop for 3 loops*; repeat from * to *, ending with net 1 knot in the last loop, tie the CK. (30 loops in the round)

Round 5
mesh stick 
Net 1 knot in next loop, *net 2 knots in next loop, net 1 knot in each loop for 4 loops*; repeat from * to *, ending with net 1 knot in each loop for 2 loops, tie the CK. (36 loops in the round)

Round 6
mesh stick 
Net 1 knot in next loop, *net 2 knots in next loop, net 1 knot in each loop for 5 loops*; repeat from * to *, ending with net 1 knot in each loop for 3 loops, tie the CK. (42 loops in the round)

Round 7
mesh stick 
Net 1 knot in next loop, *net 2 knots in next loop, net 1 knot in each loop for 6 loops*; repeat from * to *, ending with net 1 knot in each loop for 4 loops, tie the CK. (48 loops in the round)

Rounds 8-30
mesh stick 
Net 1 knot in each loop. (48 loops in round) 

Windmill Hairnet
Windmill Center


As I was making this hairnet, to double-check the instructions, I found myself wondering what the center would look like if the increases were in the small increase loops.  Finally, to satisfy my curiosity, I tried it.

It looked like a small asterisk, and since, according to sources online, asterisk means "little star", so I had another similar, but different, hairnet - Little Star.

Round 1
mesh stick: 3/8”
Form grommet with 8 loops (last one tied by hand with CK). (8 loops in the round)

Round 2
mesh stick: 3/8”
Net 1 more knot in loop formed by CK, net 2 knots in all other loops.  (16 loops in the round)

Round 3
mesh stick: 3/8”
Net 2 knots in the next loop, *net 1 knot in the following loop, net 2 knots in next loop*; repeat from * to *, tie the CK. (24 loops in the round)

Round 4
mesh stick: 3/8” 
Net 1 knot in the next loop, *net 2 knots in next loop, net 1 knot in each loop for 2 loops*; repeat from * to *, ending with net 2 knots in the last loop, tie the CK. (32 loops in the the round)

Round 5
mesh stick: 3/8” 
Net 1 knot in each loop for 2 loops, *net 2 knots in next loop, net 1 knot in each loop for 4 loops*; repeat from * to *, ending with net 2 knots in the last loop, tie the CK.  (40 loops in the round)

Round 6
mesh stick: 3/8” 
Net 1 knot in each loop for 2 loops, *net 2 knots in next loop, net 1 knot in each loop for 4 loops*; repeat from * to *, ending with net 2 knots in the last loop, tie the CK. (48 loops in the round)

Rounds 7-30
mesh stick: 3/8” 
Net 1 knot in each loop. (48 loops in the round) 

Little Star Center
Little Star Hairnet

For more netted hairnet / snood patterns, visit