Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Adapting Hairnet Patterns

About a year ago my homework load became too heavy for me to even think about posting. (Yes, 45 years and seven children after receiving my Associate Degree I started an online degree program to finish my Bachelor's Degree.) I did keep netting and will see if I can begin posting again.

I've been working on some hairnets recently. I find I have a hard time making the same pattern over and over several times without wondering how or what to change. 

I started with the Simple Hairnet. A fairly basic pattern.

Round 1
mesh stick: 3/8”
Form a grommet with 40 loops, the last loop tied with a Connecting Knot (CK).  (40 loops in the round)

Rounds 2-29
mesh stick: 3/8” 
Net 1 knot in each loop.  (40 loops in round)

Simple Hairnet
Simple Center

Then I began to wonder what would happen if I used fewer loops in the center and put some increases in the first few rounds.  I decided to start with nine loops in the center, put 2 knots in each loop for the next row, and then put six increases evenly spaced the next few rows. 

That gave me the Windmill hairnet.

Round 1
mesh stick: 3/8”
Form grommet with 9 loops (last one tied by hand with CK). (9 loops in the round)

Round 2
mesh stick 
Net 1 more knot in loop formed by CK, net 2 knots in all other loops.  (18 loops in the round)

Round 3
mesh stick 
Net 1 knot in next loop, net 2 knots in the next loop, *net 1 knot in each loop for 2 loops, net 2 knots in next loop*; repeat from * to *, tie the CK. (24 loops in the round)

Round 4
mesh stick 
Net 1 knot in next loop, *net 2 knots in next loop, net 1 knot in each loop for 3 loops*; repeat from * to *, ending with net 1 knot in the last loop, tie the CK. (30 loops in the round)

Round 5
mesh stick 
Net 1 knot in next loop, *net 2 knots in next loop, net 1 knot in each loop for 4 loops*; repeat from * to *, ending with net 1 knot in each loop for 2 loops, tie the CK. (36 loops in the round)

Round 6
mesh stick 
Net 1 knot in next loop, *net 2 knots in next loop, net 1 knot in each loop for 5 loops*; repeat from * to *, ending with net 1 knot in each loop for 3 loops, tie the CK. (42 loops in the round)

Round 7
mesh stick 
Net 1 knot in next loop, *net 2 knots in next loop, net 1 knot in each loop for 6 loops*; repeat from * to *, ending with net 1 knot in each loop for 4 loops, tie the CK. (48 loops in the round)

Rounds 8-30
mesh stick 
Net 1 knot in each loop. (48 loops in round) 

Windmill Hairnet
Windmill Center


As I was making this hairnet, to double-check the instructions, I found myself wondering what the center would look like if the increases were in the small increase loops.  Finally, to satisfy my curiosity, I tried it.

It looked like a small asterisk, and since, according to sources online, asterisk means "little star", so I had another similar, but different, hairnet - Little Star.

Round 1
mesh stick: 3/8”
Form grommet with 8 loops (last one tied by hand with CK). (8 loops in the round)

Round 2
mesh stick: 3/8”
Net 1 more knot in loop formed by CK, net 2 knots in all other loops.  (16 loops in the round)

Round 3
mesh stick: 3/8”
Net 2 knots in the next loop, *net 1 knot in the following loop, net 2 knots in next loop*; repeat from * to *, tie the CK. (24 loops in the round)

Round 4
mesh stick: 3/8” 
Net 1 knot in the next loop, *net 2 knots in next loop, net 1 knot in each loop for 2 loops*; repeat from * to *, ending with net 2 knots in the last loop, tie the CK. (32 loops in the the round)

Round 5
mesh stick: 3/8” 
Net 1 knot in each loop for 2 loops, *net 2 knots in next loop, net 1 knot in each loop for 4 loops*; repeat from * to *, ending with net 2 knots in the last loop, tie the CK.  (40 loops in the round)

Round 6
mesh stick: 3/8” 
Net 1 knot in each loop for 2 loops, *net 2 knots in next loop, net 1 knot in each loop for 4 loops*; repeat from * to *, ending with net 2 knots in the last loop, tie the CK. (48 loops in the round)

Rounds 7-30
mesh stick: 3/8” 
Net 1 knot in each loop. (48 loops in the round) 

Little Star Center
Little Star Hairnet

For more netted hairnet / snood patterns, visit



Anonymous said...

What is a CK? What is a mesh stick? Please think of your audience. I'd like to make Little Star, but can't even get started with these terms.

Dragonfly said...

CK and Mesh Stick are not seen in any crochet dictionary or in a web search.

Anonymous said...

This is not a crochet pattern it is netting like the fishermen use to do

Arden said...

This looks wonderful, I plan to visit your website to learn how to do it as soon as I have a little extra time.
Thank you so much for this post.

Anonymous said...

CK stands for "connecting knot" and a mesh stick is literally a stick : a dowel of known diameter that you use to tie your knots around. The squares that form the netting (cause this is netting and not crochet like people seem to assume), their size is defines by the mesh stick. You can learn more about netting and the different techniques by browsing a little more on this blog. You should be able to find a list of all the terms with vidéo links showing each technique