After I had finished the two net bags with net handles I wondered about the bottom of the bag being a net circle instead of a grommet. I decided to make this bag also an experiment in mesh size.

So I used a #8 knitting needle (1/4" mesh stick) and size #10 crochet threat and created my circle.
(This photo shows the bag after 3 rounds of netting.)
If you look very carefully you can see the tiny white thread that goes around the center of the circle. I used if for a foundation loop once I started going around the circle. It is removed after the bag is done.
I also decided to make this with spiral netting. Spiral netting is where you just net around and around as opposed to stopping at the end of each row and finishing it off completely.
After I had the bag the size I wanted, I net back and forth on half of the loops until I had a strip of netting twice as long as I wanted the handle to be.

Then I joined the last row of the handle to the loops that were still available on the last row of the bag and I had a bag to hold the stamps I use in teaching piano lessons.
One added advantage is that the handle will slip through a belt or waist-pack strap. That means I can wear the bag and not leave it when I travel from lesson to lesson (like I did last week).
Like I said at the beginning, string bags are addictive. I have already started the next bag -- top down with handles being done first.
I'd just love to learn this. I live in your general neighborhood.
I'd love to teach you one on one if you live close enough for us to meet. Can you give me something more specific than "general neighborhood" -- state or community?
Otherwise, check out and e-mail me with any questions you might have.
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