Saturday, December 28, 2013

Netting in Magazines - Godey's Lady's Book (1870-1898)

I was going to group the remaining netting entries which I found in Godey's Lady's Book by decades: 1870-1879, 1880-1889, and 1890-1898.  The only problem with that was that the years from 1881 to 1898 (when the magazine ended publication) either had no articles on netting or I could not find them digitized and posted on-line.

Here are the volumes I could not locate on-line:  Volumes 102 (1881), 103 (1881), 104 (1882), 105 (1882), 106 (1883), 108 (1884), 109 (1884), 110 (1885), 111 (1885), 112 (1886), 113 (1886), 114 (1887), 115 (1887), 121 (1890), 122 (1891), 123 (1891), 124 (1892), 126 (1893), 127 (1893), 131 (1895).

Here are links to the articles I did find:

1870 (Vol. 80-81)

  1. page 468 Instructions in Netting
  2. page 469 Round Netting
  3. page 469 Square Netting 
  4. page 470 Grecian Netting
  5. page 213 Oriental Table-Cover [illustration]
  6. page 280 Oriental Table-Cover
  7. page   73 Lady's Watch-Pocket in Netted Embroidery
  8. page 466  Weaver's Knot

1871 (Vol. 82-83)

  1. page 182 Cover to be Placed Over Dishes
  2. page 563 Spool Basket
  3. page 467 Netted Sponge Bag     
1872 (Vol. 84-85)

  1. page 413 Square in Darned Netting [illustration]
  2. page 490 Square in Darned Netting
  3. page 280 Casket Pincushion  
1873 (Vol. 86-87)

  1. page   74 Ornamental Bag
  2. page   79 Work-Basket of Netting and Beads
  3. page  464 Net for Boiling Eggs, in netting and crochet

1874 (Vol. 88) -  Jan-Jun

  1. page 77 Netted Nightcap
  2. page 78 Netted Nightcap [illustration]    
1874 (Vol. 89) -  Jul-Dec

  1. page 370 Fringe   
1875 (Vol. 90) -  Jun

  1. page 561 Clothes Bag
1876 (Vol. 92)

  1. page  557 Swing Hammock (Netting)
  2. page 466 Bag: Crochet and Netting 
1877 (Vol. 94)

  1. page 82 Netted Piece-Bag
1877 (Vol. 95)

  1. page 516 Fringe for Dresses, Etc.    
1878 (Vol. 96)

  1. page 514 Netted Purses
  2. page 163 Fringe for Trimming Dresses, Etc.    
1879 (Vol. 98-99)

  1. page 86 Round Hairnets
1880 (Vol. 101) - Jul-Dec

  1. page 193 Fichu with Jet Necklet
  2. page 385 Hammock
  3. page 481 Hints for Articles for Fairs (small net bags)

*          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *

I've been experimenting with some simple netting patterns.  They are mostly in plain netting, or increase and decrease stitches.  I finally finished the dishcloths.  My husband has large hands and he wanted a big dishcloth, while I have smaller hands and so needed a smaller one.  Here are the ones I've finished.

Three of them are large, three are medium size, and three are a small size that would work for a child.  The patterns for them will be included in my upcoming basic netting book, The Lost Art of Netting.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Netting in Magazines - Godey's Lady's Book (1860-1869)

I was able to find all the Godey's Lady's Book between 1860 and 1869 on-line.  Of those 20 volumes, only one did not have any netting information.  I included several lacis or darning patterns.

1860 (Vol. 60-61)
  1. page 162 Netted Tidy
  2. page 449 Long Black Silk Mitten
1861 (Vol. 62-63)
  1. page  466 Netted Tidy
  2. page  544 Invisible Hair-nets
1862 - Jan-Jun (Vol.64)
  1. page 284 Sprigs for Window Curtains in Netting and Darning
  2. page 285 AntiMacassar in Diamond Netting
  3. page 331 Sponge-Bag [illustration]
  4. page 393  Sponge-Bag
  5. page 497 Netted Hand Screens
1862 - Jul-Dec (Vol. 65) alternative location  - no netting information

1863 (Vol. 66-67)
  1. page 390 Double Netting in Two Colors
  2. page 391 Grecian Netting
  3. page 25 Netted Border [illustration]
  4. page 87 Netted Border
  5. page 177 Patterns for Netting or Crochet [darning]
  6. page 179 A Netted Tidy
  7. page 180 Tuft Netting in Wool and Cotton
  8. page 270 Patterns for Netting or Crochet [darning]
  9. page 468 Pattern for Netting or Crochet [darning]
1864 (Vol. 68-69)
  1. page 82 Marie Louise Hair Net
  2. page 83 Simple Sleeping Net
  3. page 83 Invisible Net
  4. page 436 Darning Pattern for Netting Work
  5. page 481 A Netted Opera or Useful Cap
  6. page 128 Geometrical or Honeycomb Netting [illustration]
  7. page 187 Geometrical or Honeycomb Netting
  8. page 188 Netted Pincushion
  9. page 190 Netted Cover for Horses' Ears
  10. page 75 Hair Net with Ribbon Coronet
  11. page 11 Netted Mitten [illustration]
  12. page 75 Netted Mitten
  13. page 23 Netted Window Curtains [illustration]
  14. page 76 Netted Window Curtains
1865 (Vol. 70-71)
  1. page 10 Netted Tidy [illustration]
  2. page 89 Netted Tidy
  3. page 125 German Cushion Cover [illustration]
  4. page 178 German Cushion Cover
  5. page 177 Lady's Netted Nightcap
  6. page 270 Designs for Pincushions
  7. page 300 Flower Vase Mat in Tufted Netting [illustration]
  8. page 361 Flower Vase Mat in Tufted Netting
  9. page 492 Sleeve-Trimming, in Flanders lace [illustration]
  10. page 547 Sleeve-Trimming, in Flanders lace
1866 - Jan-Jun (Vol. 72)  an alternate location
  1. page 18 Bread-Cloth [illustration]
  2. page 81 Bread-Cloth
  3. page 126 Opera Hood [illustration]
  4. page 174 Opera Hood
  5. page 401 Design for Crochet, Netting, or Berlin Work
  6. page 490 Netted Tassel Cover
1866 - Jul-Dec (Vol. 73)
  1. page 438 Watch-Pocket in the Shape of a Game-Bag
1867 - Jan-Jun (Vol. 74)
  1. page 365 Netted Nightcap
1867 - Jul-Dec (Vol.75)
  1. page 99 Hanging Basket Pattern [darning]
1868 (Vol.76-77) an alternative location
  1. page 269 Netted Kerchief
  2. page 450 Invalid's Bed Support
  3. page 455 Crochet, or Netting and Darning for Tidies, Quilts, Etc.
  4. page 545 Border - Crochet or Netting and Darning
  5. page 353 Crochet or Netting and Darning
1869 (Vol. 78-79)
  1. page 86 Square in Guipure Netting
  2. page 88 Netting Case for a Ball
  3. page 395 Circular Cushion in Crochet [net trimming] [illustration]
  4. page 449 Circular Cushion in Crochet [net trimming]
  5. page 167 Netted Neckerchief
  6. page 255 Baby's Boot (knitting) [net edging on cuff]
  7. page 353 Border - Crochet or Netting and Darning
  8. page 490 Satin Sofa Cushio, with Embroidery on Netting
  9. page 531 Sachet in Darned Netting
It's become a family tradition to write our own Christmas poem expressing our feelings for that time of the year.  My husband deserves most of the credit for this year's poem.

That They Might Have Life
(John 10:10)

Happy news is welcome any season of the year.
Silence, even static, can be pleasant to the ear
When compared with bulletins of earthquakes, floods, and war.
Does tumult define our era? Is this who we are?

What if we awoke to see a new star in the sky
Shining over Boston or Detroit or old Shanghai?
On the Web it would go viral and be center stage
On the news shows. In the papers it would be front page.

What response would follow when the story was conveyed
Of a baby humbly born and in a manger laid?
Would we join the wise men in their long and earnest quest,
Kneeling down before this king and giving of our best?

Would a song of peace on earth gain traction in my heart?
Would it factor in the gifts that fill my shopping cart?
Like the shepherds, will I hear what angel voices sing?
Let mine be the joy of truly worshiping my king.

As we do to others, even so we serve our Lord.
He stayed calm and kept his peace when others sowed discord.
With the poor and lowly he shared healing balm and leaven.
For us all he gave his life and showed the way to heaven.

Merry Christmas.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Netting in Magazines - Godey's Lady's Book (1850-1859)

The Godey's Lady's Book magazines between 1850 and 1859 had netting information in almost every year. I have listed many types of netting including embroidery or darning on netting. The link attached to the year and volume will take you to the entire magazine. The link attached to the title of the article will take you to the page where that article is listed.

There were a few words I could not define.  So I went to a dictionary and looked them up:

  • garniture: Something that garnishes; an embellishment, decoration or embellishment, something that garnishes; decoration.
  • ruche: A ruffle or pleat of lace, muslin, or other fine fabric used for trimming women's garments.
  • tidy: An ornamental protective covering for the back or arms of a chair; an antimacassar.

Enjoy a glimpse of netting in the past.

1850 (Vol. 40-41)  an alternate location

  1. page 179 Dahlias for Round Mat for a Candle Lamp 

1851 (Vol. 42) - Jan-Jun  an alternative location

  1. page 130 Neck Tie in Grecian Netting 

1851 (Vol. 43) - Jul-Dec  an alternate location

  1. page 246 Ruche round the top of Knitted Baby's Boot 
  2. page 247 Netting - Fringe-Mat
  3. page 370 Netting - Net for All the Hair

1852 (Vol. 44) - Jan-Jun no netting

1852 (Vol. 45) - Jul-Dec no netting  an alternate location

1853 (Vol. 46) - Jan-Jun

  1. page 292  Flower Mat [illustration] 
  2. page 366 Flower Mat
  3. page 459 Net for The Hair
  4. page 464 Knitting Bag [top is net]

1853 (Vol. 47) - Jul-Dec

  1. page i Garniture for the Hair [illustration]
  2. page 82 Netting - Garniture for the Hair 
  3. page 484 Opera Cap - Netting [illustration] 
  4. page 551 Netting - Sortie Du Bal, or Opera Cap 

1854 (Vol. 48) - Jan-Jun

  1. page 67 Net Darning Pattern
  2.  page 198 Embroidered Anitmacassar [illustration] 
  3. page 269 Embrodered Antimacassar - net border
  4. page 360 Netted Cap, for Morning Wear 

1854 (Vol. 49) - Jul-Dec

  1. page 288 Cover for Back of Chair - Netting [illustration]
  2. page 365 Netting - Cover for the Back of Chair 

1855 (Vol. 50) - Jan-Jun no netting

1855 (Vol. 51) - Jul-Dec

  1. page 392 Child's Winter Collar [illustration]
  2. page 454 Child's Winter Collar  

1856 (Vol. 52-53)

  1. page 166 Netted Tidy
  2. page 168 Net For Pony
  3. page 259 Octagon Antimacassar
  4. page 260 Cap for the Concert Room or Theatre
  5. page 262 Lady's Netted Purse 
  6. page 482 Tidy Darned in Colors [illustration]
  7. page 544 Tidy Darned in Colors
  8. page 546 Filigree Purse
  9. page 166 Netted Curtains 
  10. page 550 Chair Cover in Chinese Design 

1857(Vol. 54) - Jan-Jun

  1. page 168 Wool Scarf, in Crochet [ends finished in netting]
  2. page 262 Plain Netting
  3. page 262 Square Netting
  4. page 262 Oblong Netting 
  5. page 262 Piece of Netting of six, eight, or ten sides
  6. page 263 Round Netting
  7. page 263 Long Twisted Stitch
  8. page 263 Grecian Netting
  9. page 263 Ground Net
  10. page 361 Spotted Netting
  11. page 361 Diamond Netting of Five Stitches
  12. page 361 Large Diamond Netting
  13. page 361 Spotted Diamond Netting
  14. page 361 Leaf Netting
  15. page 361 Netting Definitions
  16. page 297 Netted Ornamental Dish Ruffs [illustration]
  17. page 358 Netted Ornamental Dish Ruffs
  18. page 457 Square Netted Rose Antimacassar
  19. page 549 Antimacassar in Square Netting 
1857 (Vol. 55) - Jul-Dec  an alternate location

  1. page 5 Chair Cover in Darned Netting
  2. page 164 D'oyley In Flanders Guipure
  3. page 455 Definition of Threads & Yarns
  4. page 485 Tidy in Netting or Crochet [illustration only] 

1858 (Vol. 56) - Jan-Jun

  1. page 4 A Lady's Netted Cap for Mourning [illustration]
  2. page 66 A Lady's Netted Cap for Mourning
  3. page 10 Netted Cheese or Cake D'oyley [illustration]
  4. page 69 Netted Cheese or Cake D'oyley
  5. page 106 D'oyley In Flanders Guipure

1858 (Vol. 57) - Jul-Dec  another location 

  1. page 198 Star Toilet Pincushion [illustration]
  2. page 261 Star Toilet Pincushion
  3. page 199 Sofa Cushion in Black Net [illustration]
  4. page 264 Sofa Cushion in Black Net
  5. page 547 A Gentleman's Necktie

1859 (Vol. 58) - Jan-Jun 

  1. page 395 Netted Tidy 
  2. page 552 Fly-Catch 

1859 (Vol. 59) - Jul-Dec

  1. page 362 A Netted Couverette for Fruit, Cake, Etc. 
  2. page 392 Netted Shawl
  3. page 451 Silk Net for the Hair
  4. page 489 Crochet Undersleeve with [net]Cuff [illustration]
  5. page 543 Crochet Undersleeve with [net]Cuff

I'm still trying to understand how the "Fly-Catch" is supposed to work.  Let me know if you figure it out.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Netting in Magazines - Godey's Lady's Book (1830-1849)

While looking for more magazines that had netting information, I stumbled across a wonderful website dealing with Godey's Lady's Book.  Started in 1830 by Louis Godey, this magazine continued until 1896.  A brief history of the magazine is located here.

I eagerly searched through the magazines from volume 1 (1830) through volume 28 (1844).  There was nothing on netting.  I could not find volume 19 (last half of 1839) nor volumes 29-33 (the last half of 1844 through 1846).   I was disappointed.

However, what I found after that more than made up for my initial disappointment.  Here is what I found from 1847-1849:

1847 (Vol. 34-35)

  1. page 48 Netting
  2. page 48 Netted Long Purse
  3. page 49 Handsome Long Netted Purse
  4. page 49 Round Netted Gentleman's Long Purse
  5. page 49 Round Knitting Basket
  6. page 49 Netted Scarf
  7. page 49 Round Netted Scarf
  8. page 49 Netted Cuffs
  9. page 49 Netted Cuffs
  10. page 49 Grecian Netting
  11. page 50 A Round Netted Purse
  12. page 50 Target Mat, with netted fringe
  13. page 217 Netting
  14. page 217 Plain Netted Gentleman's Purse
  15. page 217 Plain Netted Purse with a Bead Mouth
  16. page 217 Grecian Netting or Fillet Rose
  17. page 218 Single Diamond Netting
  18. page 218 Treble Diamond Netting
  19. page 218 Diamond Netting of Five Stitches
  20. page 218 Same Purse, Diamond Pattern
  21. page 99 An Elegant Netted Purse with Steel Beads
  22. page 99 Plain Open Netting or Filet a Baguette

1848 (Vol. 36-37)

  1. page 64 Netting - Bead Purse, Diamond Pattern
  2. page 186 Netted Bag
  3. page 186 Netted Gauntlet - Maltese Pattern
  4. page 186 Patterns for Mittens, Purses, etc. - Number 1
  5. page 187 Patterns for Mittens, Purses, etc. - Number 2
  6. page 187 Patterns for Mittens, Purses, etc. - For a Purse
  7. page 312 Card Basket, in Crochet and Netting [illustration]
  8. page 363 Card Basket, in Crochet and Netting
  9. page 53 Knitted Opera Cap with Netted Border
  10. page 173 Netting - Knitted Scarf for the Neck

1849 (vol. 38)   I could not find Vol. 39 (July-December) online.

  1. page 361 Netting the Helen Cap

This week, instead of spending time netting, I spent my time searching through Godey's Lady's Book.  I found many patterns for darning square and diamond mesh netting as well as instructions for fancy stitches and plenty of beautiful netting.  Enjoy looking through this window to the past.

Next week I plan to list what I found between 1850 and 1859.