On page 123 of Tatting and Netting, the Netted, Fluted Edge is created on the edge of a 15 inch-diameter piece of cloth. I decided to just make the netting without any fabric. I also did not do any crocheting.
I began the sample using size 10 crochet thread, with a #3 knitting needle as the mesh stick. I net 24 loops onto the foundation loop. For the next row, I net 2 knots into each loop. Then I net 8 more rows with one knot in each loop. The fluted edging is formed once starch has been applied to the netting.
The first photo of this three-dimensional netting shows the netting from above, as if I were looking down on the sample.
The second photo is taken as if I were looking across the table and into the netting from the front to the back of the sample.