Saturday, February 22, 2014

Patterns for Net Hammocks and a New Book of Net Doilies

Hammocks are one item made of netting that everyone seems to recognize.  Listed below are patterns I found on-line.

Here are the ones I found in books:

  1. The Young Englishwoman by Isabella May Beeton, published in 1875
    1. Swinging Hammock - with illustration (page 646 item # 651) 
  2. Tatting and Netting by Butterick Publishing Company, published in 1895
    1. Method of Making a Hammock or a Tennis-net - with illustrations (page 77)  
  3. Handicrafts For The Handicapped by Herbert J. Hall and Mertice M. C. Buck, published in 1916
    1. Hammock (page Chapter III parts 1 & 2)  
  4. Netting by Primrose Cumming, published in 1956
    1. A Hammock (page 5)  

Here are the ones I found in magazines:

  1. Godey's Lady's Book (Vol. 92) published in 1876
    1. Swing Hammock (Netting) (page 557) 
  2. Godey's Lady's Book (Vol. 101) published in 1880 
    1. Hammock (page 385) 

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Early this week I learned about a new book on netting - Il Filet In Tondo by Enza Termine and Carmela Tralli. 

My copy arrived on Friday. It is written in Italian, and I read only English, but I plan to use the drawings and photos to help me make some of the gorgeous patterns.  These doily patterns are so different from the patterns my grandmother used.  I wonder if it is a difference between Sweden and Italy or a difference in preference between two different netters.  I am excited to be able to explore a new style of net doily.

Besides a brief history of netting including photographs of early netting and lacis and some instructions on how to net, there are several patterns in each of the three degrees of difficulty.  You can learn more about this book at Enza's web-site located at or find her on Facebook.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Patterns for Netted Caps

Caps are similar to hairnets in that they both hold hair. Here is a list of patterns for netted baby's caps, mourning caps, nightcaps, and opera caps that can be found online.  They were published from 1838 to 1916.

Here are the ones I found in books:

  1. The Ladies' Knitting and Netting Book (2nd edition) published in 1838
    1. Netted Baby's Cap (page 98) 
  2. The ladies' knitting and netting book – second series (2nd ed) by Miss Watts, published in 1840
    1. A Cool Night-cap (page 107) 
    2. Cephaline (page 84) 
  3. The ladies' knitting and netting book – first series  (5th ed) by Miss Watts, published in 1840
    1. Netted Baby's Cap (page 110) 
  4. The Ladies' Work-table Book (2nd ed) published in 1844 
    1. Netted Opera Cap  (page 173) 
  5. The Practical Companion to the Work-Table containing directions for Knitting, Netting & Crochet Work by Elizabeth Jackson, published in 1845
    1. Netted Border for a Cap (page 139, item 91) 
  6. Mee's Companion to the Worktable by Cornelia Mee, published in 1845
    1. Pretty simple Netted Cap for wearing under a Bonnet (page 112) 
  7. The Ladies' Work-table Book published in 1845
    1. Netted Opera Cap  (page 138) 
  8. Mee's Companion to the Worktable by Cornelia Mee, published in 1845
    1. Pretty and Simple Netted Opera Cap (page 56) 
  9. Knitter's Friend by Mrs. Hope, published in 1847
    1. Circassian Cap (page 86) 
  10. The Drawing Room Magazine or Ladies Book of Fancy Needlework and Choice Literature, Vol 1, published in 1848
    1. Knitted Opera Cap with Netted Border - designed by Mrs. Warren (page 34) 
  11. Treasures in Needlework by Mrs. Warren and Mrs Pullan, published in 1855 --  
    1. Lady's Netted Cap - illustration on  page 131 (page 132)
    2. Nepaul Smoking Cap - with illustration (page 295) 
  12. Beeton's Book of Needlework by Isabella Beeton, published in 1870
    1. Netted Nightcap - with illustration (page 361, item 343)
    2. Netted Nightcap - with illustration (page 363, item 344) 
  13. Tatting and Netting by Butterick Publishing Company, published in 1895
    1. Infant's Netted Cap - with illustrations (page 144) 
  14. Handicrafts For The Handicapped by Herbert J. Hall and Mertice M. C. Buck, published in 1916
    1.  Baby's Cap (Chapter III, part 2) 

Here are those I found in magazines:
  1. Godey's Lady's Book (Vol. 36-37)  published in 1848
    1. Knitted Opera Cap with Netted Border (page 53) 
  2. Godey's Lady's Book  (Vol. 38) published in Jan-Jun 1849
    1. Netting the Helen Cap (page 361) 
  3. Godey's Lady's Book  (Vol. 47)  published in 1853
    1. Netting - Sortie Du Bal, or Opera Cap (page 551) 
    2. Opera Cap - Netting - illustration (page 484) 
  4. Godey's Lady's Book  (Vol. 48)  published in 1854
    1. Netted Cap, for Morning Wear (page 360) 
  5. Godey's Lady's Book  (Vol. 52-53)  published in 1856
    1. Cap for the Concert Room or Theatre (page 260) 
  6. Godey's Lady's Book  (Vol. 56) published in Jan-Jun 1858
    1. A Lady's Netted Cap for Mourning [illustration] (page 4)
    2. A Lady's Netted Cap for Mourning (page 66) 
  7. Godey's Lady's Book  (Vol. 68-69)  published in 1864
    1. A Netted Opera or Useful Cap (page 481) 
  8. Godey's Lady's Book  (Vol. 70-71)  published in 1865
    1. Lady's Netted Nightcap (page 177) 

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This week, due to the weather and a cold that won't go away, I found enough time to finish two more of the rectangular net bags I need to complete.  

The bag on the left is a large bag with a short handle.  The bag on the right is a medium bag with a handle long enough to place on your shoulder.

I have three more bags to finish, and if I leave right now and go watch the Olympics, I may finish one of those tonight.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Patterns for Net Hairnets

Over a year ago I decided to see what old netting patterns I could find online.  I focused first on books and then branched out to magazines.  It's been interesting to see what was out there.  I was surprised at how many books and magazines from the 1800s had been digitized.

Starting today I'm going back into my database and organizing it by the type of pattern or information that I found.  This week I'm focusing on hairnets, snoods or whatever you want to call the net bag that holds you hair.

Here are the books:

  1. The Lady's Album of Fancy Work published in 1849
    1. Net for the Hair (page 15, item 16) 
  2. Treasures in Needlework by Mrs. Warren and Mrs Pullan, published in 1855
    1. Net for the Hair - with illustration (page 42)
  3. The Ladies’ Hand Book of Fancy and Ornamental Work by Florence Hartley, published in 1859
    1. Net for the Hair - with illustration (page 182)
  4. The Illustrated Girl's Own Treasury published in 1861
    1. Silk Net for the Hair (page 144)
  5. The Young Ladies' Journal Complete Guide (2nd edition) by E. Harrison, published in 1885
    1. Netted Night-net - with illustration (page 135)

Here are the magazines:

  1. Peterson's Magazine (Vol. 15-16) published in 1849
    1. Net for the Hair (page 183)
    2. Netting -- Lady's Nightcap (page 148)
  2. Godey's Lady's Book (Vol. 43, July-December) published in 1851
    1. Netting - Net for All the Hair (page 370)
  3. Godey's Lady's Book (Vol. 46) published in 1853
    1. Net for The Hair (page 459)
  4. Peterson's Magazine (Vol. 25-26) published in 1854 
    1. Net for the Hair (page 126)
  5. Godey's Lady's Book (Vol. 59) published in 1859 
    1. Silk Net for the Hair (page 451)
  6. Peterson's Magazine (Vol. 35-36) published in 1859 
    1. Silk Net for the Hair (page 363)
  7. Peterson's Magazine (Vol. 37-38) published in 1860 
    1. Netted Net for the Hair - with an illustration (page 161)
  8. Godey's Lady's Book (Vol. 62-63) published in 1861  
    1. Invisible Hair-nets (page 544)
  9. The Illustrated Magazine published on the Ladies' Page in 1864 
    1. Simple Sleeping Net (page 57)
    2. Invisible Net (page 57)
  10. Godey's Lady's Book (Vol. 68-69) published in 1864 
    1. Hair Net with Ribbon Coronet (page 75)
    2. Invisible Net (page 83)
    3. Marie Louise Hair Net (page 82)
    4. Simple Sleeping Net (page 83)
  11. Peterson's Magazine (Vol. 45-46) published in 1864 
    1. Hair-net with illustration (page 156)
  12. Godey's Lady's Book (Vol. 98-99) published in 1879
    1. Round Hairnets  (page 86)

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I have needed to finish a few more bag samples for my beginning netting book.  Here is the one I finished just today.  

The bag is large enough to hold a few things like a wallet or keys or lunch.  The strap is long enough to go over you head and fit under your arm.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Netting in Magazines - Peterson's Magazine (1880-1898)

Even though I found all the issues between 1880 and 1889 available on-line, there were several issues of Peterson's Magazine that did not have any netting patterns or projects.  Those were:

I decided to also include 1890-1898, when the magazine was no longer published, since there were only two issues I was able to find online for that time period.  I could not find following years and volumes:

  • 1890 (Vol. 97-98)
  • 1892 (Vol. 102)
  • 1893 (Vol. 103-104)
  • 1894 (Vol. 105-106)
  • 1895 (Vol. 107-108)
  • 1896 (Vol. 109-110)
  • 1897 (Vol. 111-112)
  • 1898 (Vol. 113-114) 

The issues that had netting between 1880 and 1898 are:

1880 (Vol. 77-78)

  1. page 76 For the Little Folk [a watch pocket for a boy] 
  2. page 466 Squares in Guipure d'Art 

1881 (Vol. 79-80)

  1. page 243 Ladies' Night-cap: In Netting  
  2. page 230 Tunbridge Design  
  3. page 471 Squares in Guipure d'Art  
  4. page 470 Stripe for Darning or Beading  

1886 (Vol. 89-90)

  1. page 107 Tidy in Crochet and Bead-work  
  2. page 170 Pattern in Cross-stitch  

1887 (Vol. 91-92)

  1. page 28 Wallet-shaped Work Bag - illustration 
  2. page 97 Wallet-shaped Work Bag 

1888 (Vol. 93-94)

  1. page 183 Stripe for Crochet, Netting, Cross-stitch  

1891 (Vol. 99-100)

  1. page 363 Netted Design for Valance Border  

1892 (Vol. 101)

  1. page 360 Border or Insertion in Darned Netting or Crochet  

This is the last of the magazines I know of that contain netting and are available on-line.  I am very grateful to those libraries and organizations that have made these older books and magazines accessible to the public.  

I was recently reminded that KnitHeaven has several vintage netting patterns listed.

If you know of a source for other books or magazines that are available on-line, please let me know in the comments below.

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I finally found time to do some netting this week and was able to finish the doily I started several weeks ago.  I called it Swan and made the original back in 1987 for one of my brothers-in-law and his wife when they got married.  Back then I did not have a digital camera and so was only able to get a photocopy of part of the doily.

Now I have a view of the entire doily.  It is about 16 inches in diameter.