A net bag was one of the first things I net that was not a doily. Back then there was no internet or personal computers. We had recently moved and to my amazement and delight I found a book on netting at the small local library. It was Net Making by Charles Holdgate. There were many things I learned about netting from that book, including how to net string bags. Apparently Charles Holdgate was not the first person to give patterns for net bags.
Here is a list of the books I found online that contain net bag patterns. Some of these bags are small and dainty while others are large and sturdy.
- The Handbook of Needlework, by Miss Lambert, published in 1842
- A Knitter's Bag with Ring (page 232)
- The Ladies' Hand-book of Knitting, Netting, and Crochet, by the author of 'The ladies' hand-book of fancy needlework and embroidery', published in 1843
- A Netted Bag, with Ring (page 42)
- The Ladies' Work-table Book, published in 1845
- A Netted Bag, with a Ring (page 135)
- The Handbook of Needlework (5th edition), by Miss Lambert, published in 1846
- A Knitter's Bag with Ring (page 440)
- Parlour Recreations for Ladies, published in 1848
- Netted Bag (page 86)
- A Winter Gift for Ladies being instructions in Knitting, Netting, and Crochet Work, by An American Lady, published in 1848
- Netted Bag (page 47)
- Parlour recreations for ladies, published in 1848
- Netted Bag in Shaded Silk (page 79)
- The Ladies' Self Instructor, published in 1853
- Netted Bag (page 189)
- The Ladies’ Complete Guide to Needle-work and Embroidery, by Miss Lambert, published in 1859
- A Knitter's Bag with Ring (page 232)
- The Young Englishwoman, by Isabella May Beeton, published in 1875
- Clothes Bag (with illustration) (page 107, item 100)
- Tatting and Netting, by Butterick Publishing Company, published in 1895
- Bag for Holding Tennis Balls (page 152)
- Work-bag, with Netted Cover - with illustrations (page 144)
- Netting, by Primrose Cumming, published in 1956
- Shopping Bag in Green and White Macrame String (page 9)
Here is a list of the magazines I found online that contain net bag patterns.
- Godey's Lady's Book (Vol. 36-37), published in 1848
- Netted Bag (page 186)
- Godey's Lady's Book (Vol. 46), published in 1853
- Knitting Bag [top is net] (page 464)
- Peterson's Magazine (Vol. 35-36), published in 1859
- Knitting Bag [top portion] (page 364)
- Godey's Lady's Book (Vol. 64), published in Jan-Jun 1862
- Sponge-Bag (page 393)
- Sponge-Bag [illustration] (page 331)
- Godey's Lady's Book (Vol. 73), published in Jul-Dec 1866
- Watch-Pocket in the Shape of a Game-Bag (page 438)
- Netting Case for a Ball (page 88)
- Godey's Lady's Book (Vol. 82-83), published in 1871
- Netted Sponge Bag (page 467)
- Godey's Lady's Book (Vol. 86-87), published in 1873
- Ornamental Bag (page 74)
- Godey's Lady's Book (Vol. 90), published in Jun 1875
- Clothes Bag (page 561)
- Godey's Lady's Book (Vol. 92), published in 1876
- Bag: Crochet and Netting (page 466)
- Godey's Lady's Book (Vol. 94), published in 1877
- Netted Piece-Bag (page 82)
- Peterson's Magazine (Vol. 91-92), published in 1887
- Wallet-shaped Work Bag (page 97)
- Wallet-shaped Work Bag - illustration (page 28)
- Godey's Lady's Book (Vol. 101), published in Jul-Dec 1880
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Last week at the New England Lace Group's monthly meeting I had an opportunity to learn how to make Teneriffe. Like netting, Teneriffe is made tying knots in thread to create designs. That is about all the two lace-making methods have in common.