Showing posts with label Teneriffe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Teneriffe. Show all posts

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Patterns Found Online for Net Bags

A net bag was one of the first things I net that was not a doily.  Back then there was no internet or personal computers.  We had recently moved and to my amazement and delight I found a book on netting at the small local library.  It was Net Making by Charles Holdgate. There were many things I learned about netting from that book, including how to net string bags.  Apparently Charles Holdgate was not the first person to give patterns for net bags.

Here is a list of the books I found online that contain net bag patterns. Some of these bags are small and dainty while others are large and sturdy.

  1. The Handbook of Needlework, by Miss Lambert, published in 1842 
    1. A Knitter's Bag with Ring (page 232) 
  2. The Ladies' Hand-book of Knitting, Netting, and Crochet, by the author of 'The ladies' hand-book of fancy needlework and embroidery', published in 1843 
    1. A Netted Bag, with Ring (page 42) 
  3. The Ladies' Work-table Book, published in 1845 
    1. A Netted Bag, with a Ring (page 135) 
  4. The Handbook of Needlework (5th edition), by Miss Lambert, published in 1846 
    1. A Knitter's Bag with Ring (page 440) 
  5. Parlour Recreations for Ladies, published in 1848 
    1. Netted Bag (page 86) 
  6. A Winter Gift for Ladies being instructions in Knitting, Netting, and Crochet Work, by An American Lady, published in 1848 
    1. Netted Bag (page 47) 
  7. Parlour recreations for ladies, published in 1848 
    1. Netted Bag in Shaded Silk (page 79) 
  8. The Ladies' Self Instructor, published in 1853 
    1. Netted Bag (page 189) 
  9. The Ladies’ Complete Guide to Needle-work and Embroidery, by Miss Lambert, published in 1859
    1.  A Knitter's Bag with Ring (page 232) 
  10. The Young Englishwoman, by Isabella May Beeton, published in 1875 
    1. Clothes Bag (with illustration) (page 107, item 100) 
  11. Tatting and Netting, by Butterick Publishing Company, published in 1895 
    1. Bag for Holding Tennis Balls (page 152)
    2. Work-bag, with Netted Cover - with illustrations (page 144) 
  12. Netting, by Primrose Cumming, published in 1956 
    1. Shopping Bag in Green and White Macrame String (page 9)
Here is a list of the magazines I found online that contain net bag patterns.
  1. Godey's Lady's Book (Vol. 36-37), published in 1848 
    1. Netted Bag (page 186) 
  2. Godey's Lady's Book (Vol. 46), published in 1853 
    1. Knitting Bag [top is net] (page 464) 
  3. Peterson's Magazine (Vol. 35-36), published in 1859 
    1. Knitting Bag [top portion] (page 364) 
  4. Godey's Lady's Book (Vol. 64), published in Jan-Jun 1862 
    1. Sponge-Bag (page 393) 
    2. Sponge-Bag [illustration] (page 331) 
  5. Godey's Lady's Book (Vol. 73), published in Jul-Dec 1866 
    1. Watch-Pocket in the Shape of a Game-Bag (page 438) 
    2. Netting Case for a Ball (page 88) 
  6. Godey's Lady's Book (Vol. 82-83), published in 1871 
    1. Netted Sponge Bag (page 467) 
  7. Godey's Lady's Book (Vol. 86-87), published in 1873 
    1. Ornamental Bag (page 74) 
  8. Godey's Lady's Book (Vol. 90), published in Jun 1875 
    1. Clothes Bag (page 561) 
  9. Godey's Lady's Book (Vol. 92), published in 1876 
    1. Bag: Crochet and Netting (page 466) 
  10. Godey's Lady's Book (Vol. 94), published in 1877 
    1. Netted Piece-Bag (page 82) 
  11. Peterson's Magazine (Vol. 91-92), published in 1887 
    1. Wallet-shaped Work Bag (page 97) 
    2. Wallet-shaped Work Bag - illustration (page 28) 
  12. Godey's Lady's Book (Vol. 101), published in Jul-Dec 1880 
    1. Hints for articles for fairs (small net bags) (page 481) 
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Last week at the New England Lace Group's monthly meeting I had an opportunity to learn how to make Teneriffe.  Like netting, Teneriffe is made tying knots in thread to create designs.  That is about all the two lace-making methods have in common.