Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Finishing Hairnets

Once a hairnet if finished it is necessary to place something through or fastened along the last row of loops to help it stay on one's head. There are four cords that are fairly quick to make that can be used for this purpose.

The easiest for me to use is elastic. I like the round cord elastic. It comes in various sizes and at least white and black. Just cut off enough to fit around the head plus enough to tie the ends together in a knot.

If it is desired that the color of the cord match the thread used for the hairnet, the easiest way I've found is to make a twisted cord. Cut several strands of thread into 4 foot lengths. Fold each length in half and tie all the loose ends together in one overhand knot. The more strands there are, the thicker the final cord will be. Put a pencil, knitting needle, or hook through each loop and twist the cord. When the cord is tightly twisted, remove the pencil or whatever tool was used and carefully bring the two ends of the twisted cord together. Tie the two ends together with another overhand knot. Allow the cord to twist together to form a thicker cord. Work out any kinks in the cord by running one's hand along the cord. Now this twisted cord is ready to be put through the edge loops and tied to fit the head.

It is also possible to take several three-foot strands of the thread used in making the hairnet and braid them together using the same braiding technique as is used with hair. I had two problems with this method: it was hard to maintain consistent tension throughout (the beginning would be loose and the end tight) and the loose ends of the cord became tangled every time I  moved a section of the braid. However, it can be done with help, patience, and practice.

The final way I've tried is finger-braiding the cord. This method has the same problems as the regular braiding. Again,  it can be done with help, patience, and practice. The internet provides many examples of how to make this type of braid. With this sample I used five loops. One of them was a darker color then the other four.

To learn more about netting and hairnets visit these sites:

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