My oldest son seems to enjoy finding and helping me design new and different netting projects. He suggested that I net something other than doilies. When I asked him what, he suggested netting snoods. He was the one who helped me design the net Klein bottle bag. So I was not too surprised when he recently suggested a new project. He wanted me to net a poi.
"A what?" I asked, thinking that poi was something to eat.
It turns out that he was thinking of another kind of poi. The kind of poi he meant is a ball on a chain, or a length of fabric that holds a ball. Since he is into juggling and martial arts, I could see why he might want me to make one.
He was willing to help me design it, provided I make him a set in black and white. We came up with a single poi and a double poi.
I made the 2" balls out of black and white denim, using only two pieces and one seam. The seam on the balls makes them look like baseball-shaped beanbags. I used poly-fil by Fairfield to give them some weight and allow them to be washed.
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The contest that ended last week had only two people brave enough to post their guesses. They were both right, so I decided to make something for each of them. Carmen has chosen to have me make her a set of mesh poi. Lucy, let me know what you want.
And they rock. Much easier to use than chain poi. Much less wear on the hands. Also able to do some bolo work with the double-poi