It's happened again. One of my favorite authors, Diana Wynne Jones, recently died and there have been many blogs written in response. Since I never personally knew her, I am grateful to those who were able to share some of their memories with us, like Patricia Wrede, Robin McKinley, Neil Gaiman, and Emma Bull.
I began reading her books in the 1970. Because I was a young mother, married to a college student, one of my favorite places to visit was the local public library. Since there was no inter-library loan in those days, I was stuck reading whatever the library had in their possession. I do remember reading Dogsbody, Cart and Cwidder, Drowned Ammet, and The Spellcoats. I think I also read Charmed Life, The Magicians of Caprona, The Homeward Bounders, Witch Week, Howl's Moving Castle, and Archer's Goon at this time.
Then we moved again to a town where the library did not have any of her books and no way to request them. One day, while visiting a local bookstore I found the complete Dalemark series including the fourth one, which I had not read. I decided to splurge and get it.
Once the library had free inter-library loan available I made sure to request all of her books that I could. I made sure to introduce my children to this wonderful author.
I did not know this. Diana Wynne Jones is one of my favorite authors. I only recently learned that she had been suffering from lung cancer.