Monday, December 14, 2009

Klein Bottle Bag

Would you like your very own klein bottle bag? Just make a comment and tell how would you use it. On New Year's Day (or soon thereafter) I'll draw a name from among those that comment. The winner will receive their own Klein Bottle Bag.

To learn more about Klein Bottles check out Acme Klein Bottle.

Anyone besides me want a Klein Bottle Hat?


  1. These are soo cool. I would love to get this for my best friend who is a techy. Lucy x

  2. I'd love it for ME and I'm no would be great for carrying all those "things" we all have and it would be great to confuse my engineer DH !

  3. I love to learn new things, netting is going to be in my list :)
    What a pretty cool idea!!!!!!!!!!
    Of course I will use it for me to show off in the grocery store or what about in the library?

    Have a wonderful christmas!!!

  4. I would give to my husband so he could carry his juggling supplies to work. =) Oh wait... ...that's what you thought too! =D

    Seriously? I'd probably gift it to Dr Stokes or Dr Allred at BYU. Stokes because I enjoyed his classes and he let me collect jokes that he told at start of class for my folklore class. And Allred because he's the one that got the the T-shirts with cool physics captions. The front is: "and God said" followed by the equations describing electromagnetic waves. Very choice.

    Also, they might feel like showing it off to physics students, professors, and other weird people who might enjoy getting their own. =)

    So, seriously, if you feel like including family in the drawing you could just send it to BYU (maybe hand delivered by Carmen?). I'd send you a personal thank you note to include with the package if you'd like. =)


  5. Hi Rita, Tried to contact you via email as well. Would love to see how to make a small net bag (about the size to fit around a tennis ball). I have read your instructions but a video would be so helpful! Hope you get your online video class up and running soon!

  6. I would love one of those basg to study and make for myself. I have been a net maker for 30 plus years and have never seen a bag like that. You always have such interesting netting examples here. Tony

  7. To Leigh Allen Rodriguez. There are netmaking instructrions as well as examples of small net bags at the "Nets and Net Making Forun"

